File list:
last changes in ColorChart:
1.66.18 (19. 9.2013)
Honeywell IICR803 Data Matriy code reader supplement.
1.66.17 (10. 9.2013)
FDC XML import (with normal 'Open File' command).
1.66.16 (18. 8.2013)
Commandline interpretation:
-c Connect with device defined in the ClrChrt.ini
-f Chartfile.csv Load 'Chartfile.csv'
-e Excelfile.xls Load Excel file 'Excelfile.xls'
-s Start Scan
No spaces allowed in filenames and pathes of Chart file and Excel file.
Connection of Honeywell ICR803 Data Matrix (CR..) code scanner.
1.66.15 ( 7. 8.2013)
Minor operating changes.
Operator forced to click OK in Connect box to be able to measure patches.
1.66.14 (30.7.2013)
FD-5/7 CalFreq. 0 error corrected, for scan mode allow only rectangular charts (no irregular shapes).
1.66.13 (25.7.2013)
FD-5/7 Corrections (dlls), Polfilter condition set to none.
Combobox Illumination corrected, Opt. radio button enable corrected.
1.66.12 (15. 7.2013)
Display patch update optimized
Corrections in FD-7 Scan part (hangups and crashes under certain circumstances)
1.66.11 ( 8. 7.2013)
Corrections for Scan Mode KonicaMinolta FD-7.
1.66.10 (24. 6.2013)
minor corrections in display update functions.
1.66.09 (14. 6.2013)
Colour definion files can be loaded to define the colours of the patches and to define new patch-IDs in the *.csv files.
Intended for integration of basiccolor *.xml file information.
This definition files must follow the rules of ANSI GATS (e.g. in some basICColor *.xml files are such colour definions included).
Chart->Create&Edit->Param.->Load Definitions
1.66.08 ( 6. 6.2013)
minor correction in KonicaMinolta FD scan mode.
Under certain circumstances (small patches or not very correct P1P2P3 positioning) in scan mode 3 there are not enough measurements
for the first patch in the scan. This is corrected.
Minor 'Compare' function correction (handling only).
1.66.07 (15. 5.2013)
'Port'-selection in the 'Connect' Window shows registry entries about port assignment (correction).
1.66.06 (11. 4.2013)
minor extensions in XY coordinate surveillance (different direction scan)
'Port'-selection in the 'Connect' Window shows registry entries about port assignment ( Test version).
1.66.05 (22. 3.2013)
minor correction in Create&Edit function.
1.66.04 (5.3.2013)
Test version for FD7-ScanMode
1.66.02 (8.10.2012)
Correction in Compare function (handling only):
When scaling the Chart Window during Compare function on the monitor, the Reference file display may be in a wrong scale under certain circumstances.
When loading a new *.csv file during compare function, this compare function is closed automatically.
The radio buttons 'Sample' and 'Reference' showed malfunction when clicked twice.
When closing the Reference file select window, white fields could remain until the next client window display update.
1.66.01 (7. 8.2012)
The software version of the ColorScout firmware is displayed in the About-Box if Connect to the ColorScout is done.
Now there exists a compare function, where you can compare different complete measurement sets of the same chart.
There are some Delta E comparison statistics available.
1. load a chart (*.csv-file)
2. load an ANSI GATS *.txt color patch file for this chart.
3. click Compare command in the Chart menue command (a compare window appears).
4. load the Reference ANSI GATS *.txt color patch file for this chart.
You can modify the Delta E method, the Delta Limit and the Percent Threshold.
After changing these parameters, press 'Recalculate' again.
All patches which exceed the limit are (yellow) framed in the chart display.
1.65.38 (1. 8.2012)
The patchsize can now be defined in 1/10 of mm.
If a patch group is edit, the colour definitions are preserved.
1.65.37 (14. 6.2012)
FD-5/7: correction spectrum: no white correction
1.65.35 (12. 6.2012)
MessageBox indicates Out of Range positioning (moving)
1.65.34 (30. 4.2012)
1. Minor calibration changes for FD-5/7
2. corrections in (dynamic) memory management
1.65.33 (23. 4.2012)
1. Error in 'Disconnect' corrected. The ColorScout Port is now always released when 'Disconnect' is clicked.
2. Windows 7 might refuse write access to the 'Program' directory. The ColorChart.ini with its settings is now placed in the directory '%SystemDrive%\ColorChartDataSettings\'.
Only when this directory and its ColorChart.ini is not present, the old location is supported.
1.65.32 (8. 3.2012)
Excel interface FD-5/7 modified
1.65.31 (7. 3.2012)
minor corrections Excel interface for FD-5/7
1.65.30 (28. 2.2012)
The Excel cell placement in the Excel Automation Window now works without the +1 offset.
The defined cell now is exactly the target cell in Excel.
The Excel Interface has been extended to 7 groups (see: Excel Automation -> Extensions)
Multiple Specs start at 15, multiple Labs start at 900 (Multiple Data Request in the Connect Window must be switched ON)
FD-5/7: Multiple Data request has been extended from Specs to Specs and Labs.
1.65.28 (22. 2.2012)
KonicaMinolta FD-5/7 dlls updated
error correction Lab request from instrument FD-5
*.txt file correction for process colour definition
EyeOne stream (scan) mode: correction of mode 4 recognition.
The old recognition still can be used with ColorChart.ini entry [EyeOne] OldRecognition=1
1.65.25 (11. 1.2012)
Correction of 'ColorScout enter key' as P1,P2,P3 input.
Correction of multiple chart (e.g. XML) combine.
EyeOne stream mode: cool down time after scan of column (for long columns)
Usage of 'ColorScout enter key' as P1,P2,P3 input revised.
1.65.21 (29.11.2011)
EyeOne Scan mode Win7 adaption.
1.65.20 (17.11.2011)
Modification in single measurement: 'Pos' inhibits 'StartScan'.
1.65.16 (27.10.2011)
Deactivation of request select for KonicaMinolta FD-5/7.
Closing backdoor for activation of request select.
1.65.15 (15. 9.2011)
Modification in the Connect Window regarding KonicaMinolta FD-5/7.
Filter status M and DINNB forces deactivation of request select
1.65.14 (7. 9.2011)
some Windows 7 compatible changes made, e.g. file permissions reviewed.
1.65.12 (29. 8.2011)
The Konica Minolta FD-5/7 now always starts with CalFreq 50 when connected, but is still editable.
1.65.11 (26. 8.2011)
extension of ColorChart Lab calculation: Incorporation of user illumination.
1.65.10 (15. 8.2011)
For the single measuring function (to measure only one patch) for some instruments
the 'Pos' function is revised. If 'Pos' selection is ON,
with the first 'Measure' click the instrument only moves to the patch position and the 'Pos' selection is switched to OFF.
The operator then can correct the position with the position keys of the table.
Then, with the second 'Measure' click the measurement is done on that position.
This feature was done on customers demand.
1.65.8 (10. 8.2011)
ANSI-CGATS *.txt color file loading to corresponding *.csv chart file corrected.
1.65.7 (9. 8.2011)
error correction illumination FD-5/7
1.65.6 (8. 8.2011)
Filter and Illumination restrictions for FD-5/7
IntegratedCal restrictions for FD-5/7
1.65.5 (3. 8.2011)
some internal memory correction done.
1.65.4 (30.7.2011)
correction single measurement FD-5/7
Txt ANSI-CGATS-file correction FD-5/7
OnConnect correction FD-5 and FD-7
1.65.3 (22.7.2011)
Minor correction in KonicaMinolta User Illumination.
1.65.2 (20.7.2011)
Bugfix X-Rite for single measurements (spectra).
Bugfix KonicaMinolta User Illumination and version check.
1.65.0 (14.7.2011)
ColorScout waits for excel transfer completion before measuring the next patch
1.64.9 (7.7.2011)
White Data integration
Disconnect button for KonicaMinolta FD-5/7 activated
Error correction 'Integrated Cal.'
KonicaMinolta FD-5/7 version check
Beep On/Off for FD-5/7
error corrected in 'Create&Edit'
1.64.2 (23.6.2011)
Multiple Measurement (for one patch) option also for EyeOne and FD-5/7 instruments enabled.
Minor calibration error corrected.
Illumination error corrected.
Illumination for FD-5/7 extended (user Illumination).
1.63.7 (3.5.2011):
EyeOne Scan Mode enhenced.
There is a selection in the Connect Window for different quality media and print.
Single measurement now can scan single stripes.
1.63.0 (31.01.2011):
The KonikaMinolta Instrument FD-7 Spot Mode (single measurements) now is supported.
1.61.0 (July.2010):
Multiple minor changes and enhancements.
CxF output format for MA-98.
ASC output format for Byk-Mac.
1.61.0 (July.2010):
Multiple minor changes and enhancements.
CxF output format for MA-98.
ASC output format for Byk-Mac.
1.50.7 (12.October.2008):
Some charts added
1.50.6 (16.June.2008):
Minor changes.
1.50.4 (12.July.2007):
Error correction in chart creation and edition (In some cases a second paperwhite was inserted).
Error correction in the Excel interface with EyeOne.
Error correction in RGB-mode.
1.50.2 (25. June.2007):
Correction on (Monaco) XML files.
1.50.0 (2.May.2007):
LAB-files can be created (tabbed Lab).
ColorPort XML files can be imported and interpreted as CSV template files, the output files are *.lin files.
1.412.2 (13.Febr.2007):
Error correction 'Express Mode'
1.412.1 (12.Jan.2007) changes:
More robust handling of CSV files from other sources.
1.412.0 (8.Dec.2006) changes:
there is a Debug-Switch for the interface protocol. It makes it easier to follow the device communication.
1,411.6 (7. November 2006) changes:
Minor changes and corrections in multiple measurement mode and Excel interface.
New emul.dll included.
1,411.4 (20. September 2006) changes:
Between version 1.411.0 and version 1.411.5 only error corrections were done.
Mainly concerning the Excel interface.
1.411.0 (4. August 2006) changes:
The Gretag-Macbeth (XRite) EyeOne Rev B now is supported with EyeOne.DLL Version 3.3.1 115.
EyeOne Rev B starts with Ser No. 120139. For usage of EyeOne with ColorScout A+ RevB is strongly recommended.
Scan Mode 2 and 4 (In the extended Connect Window) are ready for use.
In the 'Connect' Window, the speed of EyeOne movement can be selected.
The speed very much depends on the length of the patches to measure.
The minimum length of a patch is about 6 mm, because the aperture diameter of the EyeOne is already 4 mm.
For 6mm patches the RevA model speed is 15 to 20 mm/sec. The RevB model speed in this case is 35 to 40 mm/sec.
A calculation sample for 40mm/sec:
Aperture 4mm, Patch 6mm => 2mm for accurate measurement during scanning:
1000/40=25 msec for 1 mm => 50 msec for 2 mm.
The RevB EyeOne model picks every 5 msec a measurement.
=> 10 accurate measurement on the patch with this (40mm/sec) speed.
This is the a save minimum for accurate measurements.
The longer the scanlength of the patches, the higher the speed can be chosen.
1.410.0 (21. July. 06) changes:
Now multiple chart files are supported and the measuring results of those multiple (*.CSV) files are
stored in several *.txt files and can be combined to one *.txt file. This is most flexible,
because measuring results of single *.CSV files can be corrected and new combined with the
results in other *.txt files of the *.CSV series.
To make this possible, the construction for multiple *.csv (chart) files must meet the following rules:
All is mainly file-name regulated. The first chart (*.csv) name can have any Name,
except it should include not more than one '.' , otherwise the rest of the name behind the '.' will be cut off.
The second chart (*.csv) name should have the same name like the first, but a '_1' should be added before the '.'.
So a sample sequence would be:
MyChart.CSV, MyChart_1.CSV, MyChart_2.CSV, MyChart_3.CSV ......
1. | The first Chart is loaded like usual with OpenFile. |
2. | Select a Name for the measuring results (*.txt) in the File Dialog Box of the File Menue command 'Save File after Measurement'. |
3. | Start the measurements (of course after the device connection). The result-*.txt file will automatically be stored (under your chosen name) after the measurements are done. |
4. | Click the 'Next' command in the File menue. The next chart file of the sequence will be loaded. |
5. | Start the measurements. The result-*.txt file will automatically be stored after the measurements are done. |
6. | Repeat 5. and 6. for as many chart files you have. |
7. | After all chart files are scanned, click 'Combine' in the File Menue. Then all measuring result (*.txt) files of the sequence are combined to one measuring result file. |
Please remember, that you can store the P1, P2, P3 coordinates in the chart (*.csv) files,
so you need not to always position P1, P2, P3.
1.408.5 (29. 6. 06) changes:
Optimization driving the ColorScout AX_F.
The necessary and time consuming parameter transfers between the instrument and ColorChart is now done with the connect
(not before each scan start). That means, if some instrument parameters are changed, a new connect must be done.
But in most cases the parameters are not changed between two scans, so there is a time advantage (of about 10 sec.).
changes in ColorChart version 1.408.2 (27. 4.2006)
changes in ColorChart version 1.408.1 (19. 4.2006)
Minor corretions in the extended Excel interface
changes in ColorChart version 1.408.0 (27. 2.2006)
The content of the Device Select Combo Box in the Connect Window can be changed or
extended through the ColorChart.ini file.
changes in ColorChart version 1.407.0 (16. 2.2006)
a Barcode scanner can be connected for the identification of the samples.
The identification string can be transferred to Excel with the measured values.
In future it might appear a second dot in the version number (e.g. version 1.126.1) .
The number behind the second dot is incremented with every undocumented correction.
Regarding the software, please send your comments, hints and questions to .
If you want to be informed about new versions, please send an email to with the subject
"Please keep me up to date!" and a body with your complete name, postal address including phone and fax number(s). This information only be used to contacting
you. This information will not be forwarded to any third party.